Sunday, August 30, 2009

alternative transport method...

The owner of this Dacia car decided that the roof of his car should be saved from scratches, so he hung the pipes UNDER the car. Knowing the state of Romanian roads, would like to see the result at the first bump / pothole. Not even mentioning abrupt manoeuvres in Romanian traffic...
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This city is traditionally German (Saxon, actually with a lot of Luxemburg and Flemish influence).
The city retains its beauty , even during the extensive renovation works which left most of the streets broken up during peak tourist season. I am not sure how much influence the German language and ethnicity still has nowadays, but a visit to the evangelical cementary at the highest top of the city shows row upon row of German and Hungarian names.
I hope the future of Sighisoara is as culturally diverse and rich as its history...

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the gypsy question

As long as we have citizens of the EU living in circumstances like in the pictures (yes, this lady and her falily live in this cart), I think the gypsy question will remain very accute.
Gypsies (fashionably/ politically correct nowadays: Roma) in Central Europe have the same status and the same problems as the North African minorities in Belgium: not integrated, not schooled, not accepted, source of problems...
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Sunday morning brunch on Szabadság ter

Szabadság tér is home to the Hungarian national bank, the national tv, the American embassy and Farger, one of the best places in Budapest for peaceful brunch. Picture with dear friends